Any research group may submit a sample request to the Basque Biobank. To do so, you must submit a sample request by clicking on the "Request sample and services" button that can be found on the horizontal side of this page. After registering, you should attach the required documentation: a research project and the corresponding ethics committee approval. If the project has not been approved, you should contact Phone: +34 944536890
How to submit a sample request via web
Once a request is received, we will send you an acknowledgement of receipt. If this does not arrive, contact . We will contact you again as soon as possible to inform you of the steps to follow, date of the request decision, etc.
If you are considering requesting funding or are preparing and examining the viability of a research project, we recommend that you contact us initially so that we can inform you of the availability of the samples you require and provide you with a provisional estimate of the cost of these samples. If you intend to request funding from a research agency, the Basque Biobank can prepare a document confirming the existence of these samples. However, provision of these samples will depend exclusively on the approval of your request by the Basque Biobank's Ethical and Scientific Committees.
Once your sample request has been approved, a sample transfer agreement, which we will send to you beforehand, must be signed between the Basque Biobank and the applicant body.
Samples for research purposes are free and only the cost of their collection, processing and storage must be met. See prices.